Inside our heart
Aortic stenosis
The most frequent defect of the heart valves is aortic stenosis. It afflicts very often older patients over the age of 70. Stenosis prevents heart valves from working properly. The heart is then overloaded and is unable to fulfil its task in the distribution of oxygenated blood. This worsens the patient’s state of health and impacts negatively their everyday activities, which it limits significantly. If a patient does not treat this problem, the survival period may be merely 2 – 5 years after the diagnosis is established. The problem is that up to 30% of patients with this complaint are neither examined nor treated.
Aortic stenosis in figures
As many as 30 % of patients with this complaint are neither examined nor treated.
Prognosis of patients with aortic stenosis is worse than that of people with cancers. Estimated survival time ranges between 2 and 5 years.
Incidence of narrowing of the aortic valve increases with age: at the age of 75 , a full 5 % of the population has it.
Symptoms of aortic stenosis
It is the most modern method of implantation of a heart valve without the necessity of open-heart surgery. It enhances patients’ quality of life and prolongs their lives.
It is a unique non-invasive treatment course thanks to which even elderly people can undergo implantation of an artificial heart valve with minimum risk.
How does the TAVI method work?
Thanks to the TAVI method a newly implanted valve will function just like your own heart valve.
Metodou TAVI vám bude zavedena speciální samoexpandibilní chlopeň, která ani při extrémním zmáčknutí neztratí svůj tvar
It is made from special cosmic material, nitinol (nickel – titanium alloy): on a nitinol skeleton an animal fabric is affixed by 1,200 stitches.
Implantaci chlopně provádí lékařský tým, který nejprve zvolí nejvhodnější způsob anestezie. A pak pokračovat: Poté lékař provede malý chirurgický vpich, nejčastěji v místě třísla.
Cesta pacienta od počátečních obtíží, přes všechna potřebná vyšetření až po vlastní zákrok metodou TAVI.