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World Heart Day highlighted the most common heart valve defect

World Heart Day, which falls on 29 September, called for care for one of the most important organs in the body and for early treatment of any problems.

New intervention cardiology centre at FNKV

The Královské Vinohrady Faculty Hospital has opened a new intervention cardiology centre. The modernized centre will permit more rapid and more precise diagnostics and treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, diseases of the heart valves, and acute stroke.

Karel Schwarzenberg has undergone a heart operation

Czech deputy Karel Schwarzenberg has undergone an operation of the cardiac valve which doctors had replaced in the past. 

Rolling Stones frontman has undergone a cardiac valve operation

Legendary frontman of the rock group Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, has had a cardiac valve replacement operation.


Inside our heart

The heart’s primary task is to distribute oxygenated blood in the body. The heart pumps blood through four chambers by means of four valves that open and shut with each heartbeat.

Aortic stenosis

The most frequent defect of the heart valves is aortic stenosis. It afflicts very often older patients over the age of 70. Stenosis prevents heart valves from working properly. The heart is then overloaded and is unable to fulfil its task in the distribution of oxygenated blood. This worsens the patient’s state of health and impacts negatively their everyday activities, which it limits significantly. If a patient does not treat this problem, the survival period may be merely 2 – 5 years after the diagnosis is established. The problem is that up to 30% of patients with this complaint are neither examined nor treated.

Aortic stenosis in figures

As many as 30 % of patients with this complaint are neither examined nor treated.

Prognosis of patients with aortic stenosis is worse than that of people with cancers. Estimated survival time ranges between 2 and 5 years.

Incidence of narrowing of the aortic valve increases with age: at the age of 75 , a full 5 % of the population has it.

Symptoms of aortic stenosis



The treatment method for aortic stenosis depends on the patient’s clinical state and results of examinations.
These options can be considered:
Open-heart operation
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation or TAVI
The treating physician will always recommend the best procedure.


It is the most modern method of implantation of a heart valve without the necessity of open-heart surgery. It enhances patients’ quality of life and prolongs their lives.

It is a unique non-invasive treatment course thanks to which even elderly people can undergo implantation of an artificial heart valve with minimum risk.

How does the TAVI method work?

Thanks to the TAVI method a newly implanted valve will function just like your own heart valve.

Metodou TAVI vám bude zavedena speciální samoexpandibilní chlopeň, která ani při extrémním zmáčknutí neztratí svůj tvar

It is made from special cosmic material, nitinol (nickel – titanium alloy): on a nitinol skeleton an animal fabric is affixed by 1,200 stitches.

Implantaci chlopně provádí lékařský tým, který nejprve zvolí nejvhodnější způsob anestezie. A pak pokračovat: Poté lékař provede malý chirurgický vpich, nejčastěji v místě třísla.


Cesta pacienta od počátečních obtíží, přes všechna potřebná vyšetření až po vlastní zákrok metodou TAVI.


Heart valve disease can trouble even athletes in their prime years

David Kupka was an active, healthy man in the thick of it: he was running a large lodging facility with a catering operation, devoting himself to his three children, and playing sports to the fullest when heart disease intervened in his life.

After getting a heart valve replacement, I breathe better and I have energy for the things I enjoy

Alena has been living an active lifestyle for 77 years. She spent many years doing technical drawing, as well as educating herself on classical music; she spent years singing with the Czech Madrigalists or performing in Realistic theatre, now known as Svandovo Theatre in Prague. She spent her entire life surrounding herself with artists – her brother-in-law was a sculptor and painter, her sister is a painter and illustrator, and her other family members are involved in the arts as well.

The TAVI method significantly prolonged the life of Petr Riesel (85), psychotherapist

When eighty-five years old psychotherapist Petr Riesel appeared in his future operating surgeon’s consulting room, his complaint was advanced. He was suffering from a narrowing of the aortic valve known as stenosis.


In the Czech Republic there are 14 centres delivering comprehensive care of the highest quality to patients with heart complaints.
Třinec Ústí nad Labem Ostrava České Budějovice Hradec Králové Plzeň Olomouc Praha Brno
For more information click on a town name.
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